PAR LE TVF Roger Nicolet

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8 JULY 1966

8 JULY 1966


ILL. Bro. GRASSIANI came out of the hospital in good health. I sent the following letter to Dr. SCHALSCHA in Baden-Baden:




l did not choose particularly this date of July 8 to reply your kind postcard from Venice.


But the G.A.O.T.U. has given me this privilege, to celebrate symbolically and masonically:


1) The miracle that you brought about three weeks ago, when you visited Ill. Bro. GRASSIANI and consecrated him as S.G.C. of the S.C. for Israel.

2) To inform you with great joy that today Bro. GRASSIANI has left Hadassa hospital in good health.

3) To recall with emotion that on that date, June 17th, you participated in the celebration of my father's 73rd birth-day. This morning l went to see Bro. GRASSIANI at the hospital, and we talked only about you.


Really, when we wrote to you on that 9th of June, with the agreement of Bro. Dr. GOLDIN and Bro. Dr. BASSARAB, we were certain that if you decided to come to Israel, you could save Bro. GRASSIANI's life. God has helped us and it is for us a great satisfaction to see today Bro. GRASSIANI returning to his home in good health.

However, from Bro. GRASSIANI l have heard that my action and that of Dr. GOLDIN did not find favor in the eyes of Bro. FELLMAN. He fulminates, and with reason! His dream will not be fulfilled at once. But l am not disturbed nor annoyed, submitting easily to the will of the G.A.O.T.U.


l await impatiently that November morning that will give me the joy of receiving you again in Israel. Please transmit to Miss SCHALSCHA all my fraternal affection and, again, THANK YOU for all you have done here.



9 OCTOBER 1966


W. Bro. Dr. GOLDIN was admitted to Tel Hashomer Hospital. I left him after he was already in bed.

I visited him on 15 October.

On 17 October, W.Bro. S. GOLDIN, 30°, departed to pass to the Eternal East.


18 OCTOBER 1966


Dr. GOLDIN's funeral took place in the Holon Cemetery, in the presence of a large crowd of Brethren and friends. I lost an excellent brother, who felt for me the greatest affection, devoid of any personal interest. He fought for the good of his Lodge, which was close to his heart.

He had exercised the same combative and zealous spirit, without any search for honors, towards the creation of the Supreme Council for Israel, which was born exactly one month after his departure.

I must pay homage to his wife, RIKA, who helped him admirably in his work for the good of Freemasonry in general.


13 NOVEMBER 1966


The M.ILL. SS.GG.CC. of the Supreme Councils invited to the Coronation of Papa GRASSIANI started arriving in Israel.

Today, l received upon their landing at Ben-Gurion Airport ILL. Bro. Lazzaro E. FRANCO, representing the Supreme Council of Turkey, and M.Ill. Bro. Dr. SCHALSCHA, who came to Israel to crown Papa GRASSIANI after having proclaimed him five months earlier, at his bedside in Hadassa Hospital, as the first Sovereign Grand Commander of the Supreme Council for the State of Israel.


17 NOVEMBER 1966


D day!

Two years of work and strong emotions have passed. Two years in which we had occasion to appreciate, without pause, the Masonic spirit and fraternal love and modesty of Dr. SCHALSCHA.

Two years during which our little "team" remained firmly united, like links in a chain, awaiting this glorious day.

Two years that taught us that "if there is a will, there is a way", as long as you do not deviate from the straight path.

The columns of the Masonic Grand Temple at Weizman st. N° 5 in Tel-Aviv were decorated by the Most Ill. SS.GG.CC.:

  • Dr. E. SCHALSCHA, 33°, of the Supreme Council for Germany
  • William HOFMAN, 33°, of the Supreme Council for Holland, and
  • Rudolf BOHMAN, 33°, Lieutenant S.G.C. of the Supreme Council for Germany, and the following Ill. Brethren, representatives of their respective Supreme Councils:
  • Otto Bachman, 33°, of the Supreme Council for Switzerland,
  • Lazzaro E. FRANCO, 33°, of the Supreme Council for Turkey, and the following Ill. Brethren:
  • Alfred BUSS, 33°, Adolf REUL, 33°, Active Members of the Supreme Council for Germany,
  • and all the sovereign Grand Inspectors General, 33°, living in Israel, as well as all members of the Scottish Rite in Israel, in their different degrees and titles.


Papa GRASSIANI beamed will pleasure. After his serious crisis of June, it was truly a gift from heaven to see him straight and solemn for the crowning act of his Masonic career.


While our Brethren streamed into the Temple, Papa GRASSIANI and Dr. SCHALSCHA, assisted by S.G.C. W. HOFMAN and two other High-Degree Brethren called five Brethren into the small Temple: Bro. CANDREA, BASSARAB, myself and two other Brethren whose names I did not take down, for which l apologize. Before the beginning of the ceremony of Consecration of the Supreme Council for the State of Israel, we received by communication the 32° degree, Prince of the Royal Secret, from the Supreme Council for Germany.

Thereafter, we rejoined the Brethren in the Grand Temple to assist and take part in the Consecration ceremony and the coronation of the first Sovereign Grand Commander, M.Ill. Bro. Isaac GRASSIANI.

At 20:00 pours, a huge banquet brought us all together at the Hilton Hotel in Tel-Aviv, Brethren and their spouses, all happy and proud of having been witness to this page of the history of Israeli Freemasonry.

As I wrote above, starting on 13 November, I had the honor of receiving Brethren with High Degrees arriving from different countries. From 18 November 1966, with much regret, I accompanied again to Ben-Gurion Airport these excellent friends, happy with their visit in Israel and the reception accorded them among us.

These wonderful Brethren and Friends were sincere in their feelings, because a very instructive and fraternal correspondence ensued with them, lasting several years.

Before the Six-Day War, in 1967, they wrote to us to express their worry for our country and ourselves. Israel's victory over its enemies filled them with joy and relief.



* *


On 12 May 1969, Papa GRASSIANI left us and passed to the Eternal East, three years after his first admission to Hadassa Hospital, on 30 May 1966.


On 25 March 1981, Dr. SCHALSCHA passed to the E.E. He was a great friend of the State of Israel, its people and our Freemasonry, where he felt at home in each of his visits. We shall never forget his extreme tactfulness and his smile.


In honor of his blessed memory, as well as that of our Dear Brethren passed to the E.E.: Isaac GRASSIANI, Dr. S. GOLDIN, Alexandre CANDREA, Dr. Aristide BASSARAB, l have written this HISTORY OF THE EVENTS LEADING TO THE CONSECRATION OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL OF THE 33° AND LAST DEGREE OF THE ANCIENT AND ACCEPTED SCOTTISH RITE FOR THE STATE OF ISRAEL.


May their souls rest in peace.

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