For me, the history of the Supreme Council for Israel started in October 1964, under the gavel of
Bro. Elie DANON, W.M. of Lodge LUMIERE N2 42 of
My Dear W. Bro. Jacques BENATAR (who in 1964 was a M.M.) had forged
fraternal bonds between myself and some Brethren of Lodge HASHAHAR N°32, such
as ILL. Bro. Isaac GRASSIANI, W.Bro. Dr. Sando (Salomon) GOLDIN and Bro. Alexandre CANDREA.
ILL. Bro. GRASSIANI was born on 7 March 1886 in Silistra, Bulgaria. ln
1922 he was initiated in the Lodge "STAR OF THE DANUBE" in Bucharest. On 7 September 1946, his Masonic activities culminated in his
coronation in the 33Q degree and his joining the Supreme Council of the
A.A.S.R. for Rumania.
ILL. Bro. I. GRASSIANI was in contact with the Sovereign Grand
Commanders of all the world. In 1950, Papa GRASSI~NI,
as he was familiarly known, came to settle in ISRAEL, where he renewed his Masonic activities. In 1951,
he founded in Tel-Aviv the Rumanian-speaking Lodge HASHAHAR N°32 and held the
Master's chair until 1953.
W. Bro. Dr. S. GOLDIN was born on 29 November 1903 in Fosca-ni-Galati, Rumania. He immigrated into ISRAEL on 2 February 1961. He was W.M. of Lodge HASHAHAR N°32 in 1964.
W. Bro. Louis Alexander CANDREA was born in Bucharest, Romania, on 16 October 1908. He received the Masonic light in 1937.
In 1948, he received the 24Q degree. He was the son of a Freemason. He
settled in ISRAEL in 1961, was affiliated in Lodge HASHA-HAR on 24
December 1962 and was
elected its Worshipful Master for 1965.
These three Brethren held in their hearts the burning desire to erect
the Supreme Council of the A.A.S.R. for ISRAEL.
In 1964, the possibility of this taking place came closer, following the
Convent of 1963. W. Bro. Moshe MAUR, of Lodge HASHA-HAR N°32, who was a
journalist at the Yediot Achronot
newspaper, joined the group of three. Bro. GOLDIN and ILL.
Bro. GRASSIANI asked me to join them as Secretary of the Constitutive Committee
of the Supreme council, A.A.S.R. for the State of ISRAEL.
During a working session of my Lodge, LUMIERE N°42, I requested from my
W.M., Bro. Elie DANON, his permission to comply with
this request, pointing out that l would have to work with the Supreme Council
of Germany, whose S.G.C. was Dr. Erich SCHALSCHA.
It is of historical interest that a Brother of the Lodge stood up and
expressed his opposition to any collaboration with German Freemasonry, arguing
that Nazis might have infiltrated its columns. Since no other Brother supported
this fear, and taking into consideration the trust that prevails between Masons
throughout the world, I was authorized to work in the constitutive Committee of
the Supreme Council for ISRAEL.
This was the beginning of my contacts with the Most ILL. And P. S.G.C.,
Dr. Erich SCHALSCHA of 'Baden-Baden. Dr. SCHALSCHA was born on 10 May
1893 in Breslau (Germany), today Wrozlaco in Poland.
During World War l (1914-1918) he served in the German army. He was made
a Freemason in 1928. He studied Law and practiced his profession as a Lawyer in
Breslau until the end of 1935. He was Legal Counselor
on European Affairs at the service of the British.
During World War II (1939-1945) he served in the British Army.
After 1948, he settled with his family in Wiesbaden, where he had been offered a high position
within the judiciary. Some time later, he occupied a senior position in the Magistrature of Karlsruhe.
Towards the end of his career, he and his family settled in Baden-Baden. Bro. Erich SCHALSCHA served as sovereign
Grand Commander of the Supreme Council for Germany from 14 January 1961 until 7 February 1969.
* *
We are approaching the end of the year 1990, that
is after twenty six years of silence divided between my Masonic work and my
long "sleep". I now realize that for the sake of the history of the
Supreme Council for the State of Israel, I must inform my Brethren of what
happened before the 17 November 1966, date of the crowning of Most Ill. Bro. Isaac
Through this narration, l wish to pay my respects to all
my Dear Brethren of Lodge HASHAHAR N°32 (both living and those who have
passed to the E.E.), with whom l worked in full harmony.
Thanks to their love and tenacity, they executed the masterpiece that decorates
I thank them for having placed their confidence in me, appointing me
their Secretary, entrusting me with diverse diplomatic missions connected with
Freemasonry. Perhaps through me, they wished to see the presence of my Lodge
LUMIERE N°42, to which they felt such attachment.
I knew that M.ILL.Bro. I. GRASSIANI was in
close contact with the Grand Dignitaries of the Grand Lodge of the State of Israel,
in order to obtain the support required to start our Supreme Council on its
I sent Dr. Erich SCHALSCHA an invitation to come to ISRAEL.
W.Bro. Dr. S. GOLDIN signed this letter.
Tel-Aviv, 9 November 1964.
Most Powerful and Illustrious Sovereign Grand
Our Dear and Ill. Bro. GRASSIANI bas read to us the letter
from ILL.Bro. BUSS.
It falls upon me the honor of writing to you in the
name of
our Brethren who have been already distinguished
with the
Higher Degrees and who decorate the columns of
our Lodge.
By this, following our telegram, we request
from you, Dear
and Ill. Brother, to consider yourself our honored guest
from the moment you set foot upon the soil of our
In your honor, we have advanced the date for
Installation of
the future W.M. of our Lodge. We set it for 26 December
We beg you to please let us know the date and time of your
arrival in Israel, as well as your means of transportation
(airplane or boat) to enable us to receive
you with all the
honor and fraternal love that we feel for you.
ILL. Bro. GRASSIANI and we all shall take care
of your stay
here, so that you shall for ever have pleasant
memories of
Israel Freemasonry.
Awaiting to meet you in person, please accept the assurance
of our highest esteem, as well as our most sincere
fraternal regards.
Dr. SCHALSCHA replied affirmatively to our invitation. A meeting was
held at the home of Dr. S. GOLDIN, 1 Rupin st., Tel-Aviv. Present were ILL. Bro.
GRASSIANI; Dr. S. GOLDIN, the W.M.; W.Bro. E.
DANON, Bro. A. CANDREA and myself. Dr. SCHALSCHA was to come accompanied by his
daughter IRENE.
The working program was fixed. It was decided that, in view of my
position within EL-AL National Airline, I would take care of the reception at
BEN GURION airport of our guest and his daughter, as well as their lodging in a
Tel-Aviv hotel.
23 DECEMBER 1964
Miss IRENE and Dr. SCHALSCHA descended at BEN GURION airport from an EL
AL plane. They were greeted at the foot of the stairs by Ill. Bro. GRASSIANI
and me. We wished them a happy visit in Israel (see enclosed pictures). I had secured from EL
AL management the use of the V.I.P. room at the airport, where a delegation was
waiting for us, including Ill. Bro. Yona Ron, W.Bro. GOLDIN, R.W.Bro. Abraham FELLMAN and Brethren A. CANDREA, Dr. A. BASSARAB, Lupo FALLIK and Samy NAMIAN.
I must add that some Brethren felt a moral dutY
not to come to the airport to greet a guest coming from Germany. The first contact with the country and the
delegation of
Brethren was extremely warm and fraternal. This first
historical meeting, of such importance for the future Supreme Council, was most
successful and moving.
During the first days of our guests' stay, Bro. GRASSIANI organized tours
throughout the country, establishing contact with the Brethren having High
Degrees in JERUSALEM and HAIFA.